Episode: The Digital Eco System: IT infrastructure on CDO’s agenda

Concept: We reveal the philosophy of an innovative technological approach to the management of business structures, non-profit organizations and public administration organizations. We consider the concepts, models and technologies of modern and promising digital ecosystems. We study methods and tools for interpreting big data, with an emphasis on key performance factors, simulate the outcomes of various options for managerial decisions, and track the results of decision-making - from operational to strategic.

Technology: IT infrastructure in the competence of the director of the company; Digital ecosystem and Technological Singularity; The Ecosystem Model of the Digital Economy; Examples of digital ecosystems; Technologies and components of digital ecosystems; Smart Contracts and Oracles; Case: creating an ERC20 token based on Ethereum; Cloud Databases; Cloud Computing; Deployment Models; Service Models; Economic aspects of Cloud Computing; Data Warehouses; The process of working with data; Data Showcase; OLAP technology; CODD’s Rules; OLTP Technology; Business Intelligence; ETL Technology; Data Mining; Economic issues and Digital Technology; Challenges addressed by Digital Platform Ecosystems.

Episode: Role of CDO in the Digital Transformation of SMEs and LSEs

Concept: We consider the staffing of the digital economy management system, regulatory decisions, the competencies of members of the digital transformation management team. We reveal the philosophy of the head of the company when interacting with managers and technologies. Using the example of a decentralized autonomous organization, we study a model of an operating system for managing digital transformation companies.

Technology: Staffing Management System of the Digital Economy; Chief Information Officer subordinate to CEO/CDO; Digital Design Architect Manager subordinate to CEO/CDO; R&D Analyst Manager subordinate to CEO/CDO; Chief Technical Officer subordinate to CEO/CDO; Programmer & Developer subordinate to CEO/CDO; Digital Audit Manager subordinate to CEO/CDO; Cyber-Security Officer (CISO) subordinate to CEO/CDO; Chief Design Officer subordinate to CEO/CDO; Brand Communication Officer subordinate to CEO/CDO; Chief Data Officer subordinate to CEO/CDO; Digital Product Manager subordinate to CEO/CDO; Chief Innovation Officer reporting to CEO/CDO; Chief Strategy Officer subordinate to CEO/CDO; CVO Chief Visionary Officer subordinate to CEO/CDO; The best American cities to work Chief Digital Officer; Philosophy of CEO/CDO; Creation and management of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization; Operating system for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations.

Episode: Top Strategy for CDO’s Leading Digital Transformation

Concept: We consider digital transformation as a process of transforming business models under the influence of innovative digital technologies. We study the concepts of creating models of organizations in the digital economy. Introducing competitive business models, business technologies, leadership roles in companies and organizations engaged in digital transformation or digitalization.

Technology: Creation of a Digital Company; Creation and management of a decentralized autonomous organization; The concept of creating an Organization Model in the Digital Economy; Digital threats and countermeasures; Business models and Business Technologies; Digital competitive advantages; Mobile technology, the Internet of Things and Edge-computing; Digital interaction in B2B2C format; Digital transformation of the company; Leadership competencies for digital transformation; Balancing Digital Transformation; Key roles in Digital Transformation.

Episode: Beyond Technology: CDO is a business leader and CEO

Concept: We consider the strategic leadership of the organization from the perspective of using digital management technologies, introducing robotics and automation of the main and auxiliary business processes and resource management, we study the methodology for calculating risks when choosing financial strategies.

Technology: Big Data, supercomputers and computers on temporary crystals; Promising IT-technologies and solutions; Smart Digital Assistant;A Quantum Computer Based on temporary crystals; Immersion in Virtual Reality.

Episode: Digital Transformation and New Challenges for CDOs

Concept: Introducing the exclusive module of the Chief Executive Officer program designed to build leadership competencies for leaders in digital transformation and technological change (digitalization). We consider the participation of company directors and heads of organizations in the strategic management of large, medium and small businesses, which includes processes, levels and tools for managing organizational structures.

Technology: Leadership of CEO/CDO in organization management; Individual development and goal-setting of the leader; Professionalism and self-affirmation; An individual development plan for the head of the company; Choosing a model of behavior; Criteria for choosing a Corporate Strategy; Digital Technologies for Developing Strategies; Choosing values ​​for Corporate Culture; Team leader digital transformation; Strategic programs for Digital Business Transformation; Collective business management; Development tools Agile, Scrum, Kanban; Stages of corporate development of the organization; Strategic functions of company structures; Competencies of the organization; Classification of business processes; Definition of company development scenarios; Interests of Stakeholders; Making decisions on the strategy; Strategy reporting; Strategy Management Center.

Episode: Digital Innovation Areas

Concept: We consider innovative trends and opportunities for digital business transformations, ways to identify areas of technological development that are relevant for business and the state, innovative methods of digital management and the practice of applying digital technologies.

Technology: Partnerships in innovation; The paradigm of Open Innovation; The method of «advanced consumers»; Decision Points (TPR) Stage-Gate © process; The role of cultural norms and rules in innovation; Innovative practice from Google; Competencies in digital innovation; Digital Roadmap; Scientific developments and patenting of new technologies; Research and development systems (Research & Development). 

Episode: Approaching Digitalization with Business Process Management

Concept: We consider digital technologies, the history of their creation, success and practical application in modern realities, as well as global practices of their use in a wide variety of industries and areas of activity.

Technology: Digital sound; Digital signal processing; Digital video; Quantization; Digital transformations; Artificial Intelligence; Infrastructure for digitalization; System integration; Digital modeling of business processes; Software for digital office; Technique and automation technology; Documentation management; Network solutions for digital office; Intersectoral Digital Technologies; The evolution and properties of information technology; Ecosystem solutions in Company Process Management.

Episode: Smart-Contract: Work with Contractors in Blockchain Technology

Concept: We reveal the features of using blockchain technology in optimizing transaction processes, based on the conclusion and execution of smart contracts. We consider the types of architecture of information technology systems and platforms to support transactions, audit and security of smart contracts.

Technology: Technology of Smart Contracts; How smart contracts work; Legal support of transactions under smart contracts; Regulation of smart contracts; IT Architecture; Audit of IT-Architectural Solutions; Blockchain oracles as a connection between the digital and the real world; Oracles as part of an intellectual contract ecosystem; Digital Safety Certificates.

Episode: Machine Learning for Solving Corporate Tasks

Concept: We consider engineering solutions for the use of artificial intelligence in the creation of "smart automation" and digitalization of business processes. We reveal the essence and principles of the use of neural networks in the creation of environmental and industrial technologies, taking into account communication and behavioral models.

Technology: Tasks of machine learning on precedents; Approaches and methods of machine learning; Neural Networks; Machine learning software environment; Tools for the analysis of Machine Learning; Senses of Machine Learning Technology.

Episode: Creating Multitasking Digital Strategies for Corporations

Concept: We consider the specifics of digital strategies at all stages of creating products or services (value chains) with constantly changing external factors. We study industry technological solutions and management tools that have proven practical effectiveness and create new trends in the digital economy.

Technology: Digital strategies and their implementation; Digital strategies of manufacturing corporations; Features of digitalization processes in US companies; he role of CEOs/CDOs of US companies in implementing digitalization strategies; Digital barrier in working with clients; Development of a digital strategy for the company to enter the market; Problems in creating and implementing Digital Strategies.


Episode: Introducing Digital Transformation

Concept: We consider the hierarchy of organizational competencies for leaders of digital transformation and the conditions for their application for implementation in various industry management strategies: retail, resource extraction, telecommunications, etc. Models of digital transformation and the architecture of technological digital solutions are examined in detail.

Technology: Digital transformation of the organization; Models of Digital Transformation; Architecture of Digital Transformation; Brands of Digital Transformation; Recipes for the success of the Digital Transformation of business processes; Internet of Things; Artificial intelligence and the revolution in e-commerce; Digital Marketing; Digital Media Marketing; Problems of Digital Transformation.

Episode: Organizing Robotic Automation Process: Balancing Digital Transformation Without Loss of Company Productivity

Concept: We consider the practical tools of digitalization, robotization and automation of functional tasks in the implementation of digital transformation. Modern digital management techniques and system solutions are offered.

Technology: Management methodology Business Process Management (BPM); The evolution of BPM systems: Key areas of development; Technology of automation of business processes Robotic Process Automation; Modern Robotics in the global market; Principles of Artificial Intelligence; US Robot Enforcement Studies; Collaborative Robot or Cobot; Implementation of RPA for process automation; Digital workers and process robots; Global automation of production; Augmented reality for process automation; Development of virtual simulators and educational systems; Development of 3D models; Development of applications with mixed reality (MR); RPA - software robots for business; The use of collaborative robots.

Episode: Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing

Concept: We reveal the features of the use of cloud computing technologies, neural networks and artificial intelligence in the managerial activities of the head of digital transformation. We present practical solutions for the use of cloud robotics and high-tech innovative B2B platforms.

Technology: Use of artificial intelligence technologies; Cloud computing in enterprises; Cloud systems SaaS, IaaS, PaaS for artificial intelligence; Cloud robotics; Applications for cloud robots; Artificial intelligence and machine learning; Business models of cloud robotics; Cloud computing trends; Quantum technologies and calculations; Quantum computer and Artificial intelligence.

Episode: strategy for hiring specialists to support digital solutions. Decisions on digital office, business priorities and goals

Concept: We consider the tools for building digital HR-systems for companies and organizations of any scale and profile. We offer the concept of corporate interaction of a digital office to implement effective work based on remote access to the organization’s operations.

Technology: History and world experience of creating professional teams; Digital HR: new HR trends; Human Resource Management System; The concept of a digital office; Work in the space of a digital office; Digital HR brand management; HR brand in the digital age; Gamification reward management systems.

Episode: Creation and Development of «Virtual Organization»

Concept: We consider the aspects and possibilities of implementing a business in a digital environment, disclose the principles and models of relationships between market participants in the virtual space, offer existing digital systems, platforms and methodology for creating companies and organizations of the future.

Technology: The emergence of virtual organizations; Virtual forms of doing business in the 21st century; Technologies in virtual organizations; Creation of virtual space; Technology classes; Virtual communities; Holographic organizations; Capital in virtual organizations; Teams in virtual management; Experience of enterprises forming stable business systems; Formation of a virtual corporation.


Episode: Data Management: Autonomous Transaction Processing, Digital Customer Relationship Management, Database, Big Data Cloud and Backup, Digital Event Hub

Concept: We consider technologies for working with digital and digital images, big databases, search engines, business design packages, programming languages, and Digital Events management.

Technology: Information databases; Database management systems; Language of structured queries; Information language; Search system; Database; Big data; Database design; Development of databases and database management systems; Multimode databases; Autonomous transactions in PL/SQL; Digital customer relationship management; Big data cloud and backup; Digital event centers.

Episode: Application Development: Java, Mobile Hub, Digital Assist, Blockchain Platform, Data Science Cloud, Visual Builder, Messaging, Data Integration Platform

Concept: We reveal the practical issues of creating business-oriented applications in a modern software environment that optimize the practical activities of the organization and are responsible for the results of its economic efficiency.

Technology: Programming languages for creating programs and applications; Programming paradigm; Programming and program development; JAVA programming environment; Blockchain platform; Development of mobile applications for IOS; Management of a team of application developers; Management of the development of complex Internet applications; Main technology stacks.

Episode: CDO’s management platform: application performance monitoring, infrastructure monitoring, logs analytics, IT analytics

Concept: We consider the tools of the head of a high-tech company for analyzing application performance and monitoring the performance of IT processes. We study IT Outsourcing in terms of the full range of digital high-tech and management solutions.

Technology: Application performance management; Monitoring application performance; Journal analytics, it-analytics; Outsourcing in the field of information technology.

Episode: Business analytics: cloud analytics, business intelligence, data visualization

Concept: We study data analysis methods and platforms for collecting big data from production and management processes. We consider the issues of statistics, forecasting, optimization and the hierarchy of performance indicators. We reveal the methodology of cloud analytics as a cross-platform system for collecting and analyzing corporate information.

Technology: Business intelligence and big data; SAS analytical solutions; Data visualization and reporting; Search benchmarking; Cross-cutting analytics; Trends in business intelligence; Vendors of business intelligence; Orientation in large volumes of data with visual data; Information technology and business intelligence.

Episode: Digital Security: Cloud Access Security and Identity, Configuration and Compliance, Security Monitoring and Analytics

Concept: We consider all the tools for protecting corporate and personal information. We reveal the security technologies of digital transformation enterprises. We are exploring effective protection against hacking threats and network attacks.

Technology: Information security tools; Security tools and technologies; Control of information leakage channels (Data Loss Prevention); Digital fingerprints; Key management; Encryption; Protocols of secret voting; Technology trends requiring digital protection; Personal digital security; Digital security platforms E-Commerce; Digital security of the Internet of things; Digital biometrics; Documents, acts and information security methodology; Methodology for creating an enterprise security system; Varieties of network attacks; Antivirus programs; False antiviruses; Malicious programs; Spyware; Proprietary software; Firewall; Integration and management of Honeypot systems.


Episode: Digital Personnel Department and Legal Support for Employees

Concept: We consider the automated personnel systems of digital transformation companies and the legal support of the activities of a high-tech enterprise. Exploring Digital Intellectual Property Copyright. We reveal the features of digital law in the corporate environment

Technology: Digital personnel management system; Automation of personnel assessment by KPI; Digital law.

Episode: Digital Identity of The Company and Legal Support of Copyright

Concept: We consider the legal support of the personnel policy of the company, the ethical and reputation values of digital reality, the legal and administrative regulation of the activities of digital transformation companies.

Technology: Big data, digital footprint and personnel policy of the company; Rules of digital reputation; Legal support of copyright and other IT-competencies.

Episode: Master Data Management and Reference Data Management

Concept: We consider platforms for supporting all stages of the life cycle of the organization’s regulatory and reference information management project: data collection, preparation of materials, analysis and research, information processing, aggregation and delivery of results. We study the integration processes of user information in B2B and B2C formats.

Technology: Data models; Management of corporate master data; Reference data management: a flexible approach; Legal regulation of data management; Structuring databases; Cloud architecture.

Episode: Legal Reconciliation of CDO Duties and Responsibilities

Concept: We consider the responsibility of the digital office team in relation to the head of digital transformation. We study competency registers for each professional qualification included in the digital office's HR system. We reveal the features and trends of digital law in the modern world.

Technology: Responsibilities of CEO/CDO: information law; Responsibilities of CEO/CDO: intellectual property; Responsibility of CEO/CDO: scientific and technical activities; Responsibility of CEO/CDO: information security; Responsibility of CEO/CDO: big data; Responsibility of CEO/CDO: formation of a communication team; Responsibilities of CEO/CDO for digital transformation: CDTO; Responsibility of CEO/CDO: for key performance indicators; Responsibility of CEO/CDO: for analytics and digital order; Responsibility of CEO/CDO: for the financial policy of the company; Digital enterprises and projects; Trends and risks of legal regulation of digital transformation; The Internet of things as an industrial Internet; Digital law and smart contracts; Regulation of robotics and artificial intelligence; Ethics and artificial intelligence; Regulatory sandboxes in the world.

Episode: Legal Support of the «Internet of Things» Strategy

Concept: We consider the legal support of digital projects, the creation of a legal framework for the activities of a high-tech enterprise, an innovative company, evaluate the profitability of business processes and legal acts that accompany digital transformation.

Technology: Legal aspects and jurisdictions of the Internet of things; Foreign jurisdictions in the management of digital transformation; Regulation of the digital economy of Asia, Europe, the USA; Creation of the legal field of the digital economy; Conditions for the effectiveness of special legal regimes; Change management system for the digital economy; Procedures for resolving disputes about ownership; Legal relations in the field of digital economy; Special legal regimes; Assessment of the profitability of projects, normative legal acts, and the effectiveness of existing regulation.


Episode: Company Management Through IT Solutions and Artificial Intelligence

Concept: We consider the TOGAF standard and the architecture of digital enterprises, data arrays, business processes and technologies. We study strategic management in IT, strategy development, personnel management and a business process management system under the control of artificial intelligence.

Technology: Programs for digital business management; Online business management systems; Online enterprise resource management system (ERP); APS planning in process manufacturing; Smart HR: digital technologies in personnel management; The role of artificial intelligence in personnel management and leadership.

Episode: Digital Branding Technology

Concept: We consider effective branding technologies of companies and organizations of the digital economy. We study the value system of the modern digital world and practical solutions for various industry segments of business and government.

Technology: Components of branding positioning; Development of a positioning strategy; Corporate culture as an object of strategic management; Digital branding; Market for commercial design; Digital branding discourse; Digital branding in the advertising process; Digital technologies and brand promotion strategies; Analysis of competitors in the digital world; Digital branding trends.

Episode: Blockchain as an instrument of innovation management

Concept: We reveal the details, meanings and advantages of blockchain technology for various fields of application in the digital transformation system, consider all aspects of creating industry-specific applications based on blockchain technology.

Technology: Blockchain technology integration; Blockchain technology trends; Smart contracts and blockchain technology; Financial transactions with blockchain technology; ICO procedure - Initial Coin Offering; Foreign banks and blockchain for trade transactions; Blockchain potential in the insurance segment; Blockchain-based education certification systems; Blockchain in healthcare; Blockchain and the Internet of things; Blockchain in environmental projects; Social projects with blockchain technology; Blockchain in the transport sector; Real estate blockchain; Blockchain in the electric power industry; Blockchain in trade; Augmented and Virtual reality; Military technology on the Blockchain.

Episode: Digital Technologies in Corporate Governance

Concept: We consider corporate governance in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. We study the features of the functioning of a joint-stock high-tech company, the features of legal regulation and corporate governance in companies with state participation.

Technology: Technologies in the corporate governance system; Digitalized corporate governance: priorities and postulates; Corporate governance models; Codes of corporate governance and corporate ethics.

Episode: Digital Communications in Company Management

Concept: We consider digital systems of corporate communications, marketing strategies for digitalization of an enterprise, we study design digital communication solutions and a customer relationship management system. We reveal the principles of applying end-to-end digital transformation technologies.

Technology: Building digital communications and their effectiveness; Digital communication system; Digital media in the cultural globalization of the world; Digital communications strategy; Protection of digital communications; Choosing a CRM system for business; Digital information space of the organization; Information technology in communication.


Episode: Key qualifications for a CDO in financial services

Concept: We consider a set of leading competencies of the head of digital transformation at the junction of the functional areas of the financial sector and corporate finance. We study financial management in the competence of the director of a high-tech company from the digital economy sector. We reveal aspects of cross functionality and responsibility for CDO / CEO / CFO.

Technology: Digital financial management technologies for CDO / CEO / CFO; Finance Department: transformation from the inside out; Virtual CDO / CFO - Virtual CFO; Development of a digital economy; Fintech under the control of CDO / CFO; Initiatives to create regulatory sandboxes; Startups in the field of financial technology; Fintech in Singapore; Fintech services and Neo banks; Banks of a new generation; Artificial intelligence in the world of finance; Building financial models; Methods and models of financial analysis; Scoring as a method of assessing credit risk.

Episode: Digital office: managing capital expense and operating expenditure

Concept: We consider the economy of digital transformation, accounting in manufacturing companies of high-tech components and software solutions. We study Fintech in terms of international financial reporting standards, and the cost-effectiveness of digitalization projects and processes.

Technology: Capital costs and operating expenses; Balance of OpEx and CapEx at the enterprise; OpEx and CapEx in IT; Capital Investment Management (CapEx); CRM system with financial and business process management (BPM); Optimization of IT costs; Calculation of the economic efficiency of the project; Digital office: saving with technology; Digital office: ecology and comfort.

Episode: Regulatory compliance and digital financial management

Concept: We consider the practice of financial management in the digital economy, creating a budget for innovative projects and accounting reports according to international financial reporting standards. We study automated processes and corporate finance management solutions.

Technology: Intelligent financial management; Management of financial bubbles, as a technology for managing the digital economy; The practice of financial management in the digital economy; Financial management system; ERP system reports; Automation of financial accounting and management; Automation of management accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS; The role of professional standards in the training of specialists; Budgeting and financial analysis functions; Stages of budgeting implementation; Financial management systems for CEO/CDO.

Episode: Release and initial cryptocurrency offer (Initial Coin Offering)

Concept: We consider aspects of the initial placement of cryptocurrencies, the operation of cryptocurrency exchanges, the creation of cryptocurrency assets. We study the practice of arbitration operations with cryptocurrencies and the legal support of the financial activities of a high-tech company.

Technology: ICO and anthology of cryptocurrency operations; Bitcoins; Ways to put your own cryptocurrency into circulation; Scopes of cryptocurrency; Technical aspects of creating cryptocurrency; Cryptocurrency launch: tips and tricks for creating; Development of cryptocurrency; Conducting an ICO; Carrying out IEO / IDO / STO; Creating your own crypto assets; Arbitration operations with crypto assets; Legal regulation of crypto assets.

Episode: Digital exchanges and work with cryptocurrencies

Concept: We conduct a comparative analysis of the country regulation of cryptocurrency markets, consider the mechanisms of legal and economic relations in the digital economy. We study the features of the functioning of electronic government portals of developed and developing countries.

Technology: Experience in the legal regulation of relations in the field of cryptocurrency circulation; Marketplaces in the digital money industry; Criteria for choosing a reliable cryptocurrency exchange; Rules for trading on the cryptocurrency exchange; Experience on the cryptocurrency exchange; Secure trading on the cryptocurrency exchange; Digital legal expertise; Crypto funds and investments; Legal regulation of cryptocurrency funds.


Episode: Smart Nation and national digital identity. World digital AI communications

Concept: Using developed countries as an example, we consider conceptual high-tech digital solutions aimed at improving the quality of life, corporate citizenship policies and sustainable development. We are studying the use of digital office research and development engineering models.

Technology: The concept of a social license of the future; Cultural and communication philosophy of digital identity; Communications and artificial intelligence; Artificial intelligence and public administration; Artificial intelligence and business organization; Artificial intelligence & communication robotics; Digital transformation: target model; Ensuring the security of information infrastructure; Model of R&D organization in the field of development of intelligent digital systems; Smart cities of the world.

Episode: Smart elderly monitoring and alert system. Digital medical assistance system

Concept: We consider industry-leading digital solutions in the field of medicine, telemedicine, the use of blockchain technology in healthcare. We study artificial intelligence technologies in medicine and the practice of using off-the-shelf high-tech solutions and applications.

Technology: Features of medical digital startups in the world; Telemedicine; Innovative digital technologies in surgery and medical rehabilitation; Artificial intelligence system for processing medical images; The safety of digital medicine; Digital medicine: healthcare in a smart city; Blockchain ecosystem for healthcare.

Episode: E-Payments. Digital Finance Assistance System

Concept: We consider electronic payment systems and digital banking support technologies: applications, portals, mobile banking systems. We study the elements of financial control of the digital economy and corporate finance accounting tools.

Technology: Varieties of electronic money; International experience in the implementation and use of electronic money; Online wallet; Acquiring market trends in the world; Payment and settlement digital system in Japan; Regulation of payment systems in Singapore; Financial control in the context of the digitalization of the economy; System of financial control at the enterprise; Applications for financial accounting with maximum automation; Tools for accounting for the finances of the organization; International payment methods.

Episode: Digital education. Digital professional competence

Concept: We study technological solutions for creating educational projects, programs and products of the digital economy. We consider modern digital educational systems and online education applications.

Technology: Modern digital educational environment; Digital literacy skills; Directions for the development of digital education; Digital education for life; Digital school education; Digital higher education; Digital education outside institutional structures; E-learning system; Educational technology; Artificial intelligence in education; A single digital educational ecosystem.

Episode: Cybersecurity and digital security. Personal security controlled by AI

Concept: We consider cybersecurity as an element of digital transformation. We study the successful practices of digital protection of large computer systems and networks. We reveal the features of the application of software and hardware protection against cyber threats. 

Technology: Types of VPNs; Network protection options; Types of cyber threats; Protection against phishing attacks; Protection against ransomware; Common types of DDOS attacks; Router security; Scaling up information security; Legal regulation of information security; Digital transformation in information security; Artificial intelligence and security; Digital forensics.