November 22, 2019, “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS”, Baltschug Ambassador
The first National Prize in the field of Digital Arts and Digital Technologies was awarded to the Russian film company Sputnik Vostok Production. Alexander Kessel and Inna Orkina-Sexte with a presentation at the Digital Art & Tech Award 2019 in Moscow at the Vneshtorgklub Autumn Reception.
The founders of the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “Digital Art & Tech Awards” were the National Association of Digital Technology Managers and the Institute of Economic Strategies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 2019, the project has been managed by the Board of Trustees from representatives of leading Russian IT companies, public professional associations and communication groups, educational institutions, digital technology agencies - leaders in the digital economy, business transformation and government administration.
The authors of the most interesting works, professionals who have made a significant contribution to the development of the digital economy: art, business and culture, people who use digital technologies in their political, social, and professional activities are awarded the national prize. The winners in each category are awarded a diploma and a statuette "DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS". Agencies and authors who have taken the highest positions in the ranking are awarded with diplomas. The monetary reward is envisaged in the form of granting educational grants to the winners of the doctoral program of business (DBA) in the specialization of Chief Digital and Executive Officer at international business schools in the UK and Singapore.
Special prizes are awarded at the initiative of the Board of Trustees and the Expert Council
The first National Prize in the field of Digital Arts and Digital Technologies was awarded to the Russian film company Sputnik Vostok Production. Alexander Kessel and Inna Orkina-Sexte with a presentation at the Digital Art & Tech Award 2019 in Moscow at the Vneshtorgklub Autumn Reception.
The founders of the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “Digital Art & Tech Awards” were the National Association of Digital Technology Managers and the Institute of Economic Strategies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 2019, the project has been managed by the Board of Trustees from representatives of leading Russian IT companies, public professional associations and communication groups, educational institutions, digital technology agencies - leaders in the digital economy, business transformation and government administration.
The authors of the most interesting works, professionals who have made a significant contribution to the development of the digital economy: art, business and culture, people who use digital technologies in their political, social, and professional activities are awarded the national prize. The winners in each category are awarded a diploma and a statuette "DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS". Agencies and authors who have taken the highest positions in the ranking are awarded with diplomas. The monetary reward is envisaged in the form of granting educational grants to the winners of the doctoral program of business (DBA) in the specialization of Chief Digital and Executive Officer at international business schools in the UK and Singapore.
Special prizes are awarded at the initiative of the Board of Trustees and the Expert Council
The Regulation is a normative document that ensures maximum transparency and efficiency of the procedures for evaluating nominees and competitive projects submitted for the Digital Russia Awards National Award for Digital Arts. The prize is awarded to digital technological-, technical-, art-projects and solutions based on the competition in several "design" nominations, as well as individuals and organizations in the "personal" nominations.
The Regulation defines a system for evaluating competitive projects both at the stage of preparation and technical selection of projects, and at the stages of remote electronic voting and voting based on the results of public presentations of projects. The Regulation is a mandatory guide for the work of the Expert Council and the Jury of the Prize.
1.1. To participate in the competition for the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “Digital Russia Awards” can authors or teams of authors, agencies, non-profit foundations and organizations, as well as specialized services and departments of state, public organizations and commercial enterprises that carry out activities the creation and development of digital technological solutions in various fields.
1.2. The project for the First National Prize in the Field of Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS” should be a professional formalized case according to the approved model and contain the necessary material in the chapters: Project name, Author, Client / Customer, Dates, Issues, Target audience, Goals and objectives, Communication strategy, Tactics, Creative solutions, Practical actions, Budget, Result.
1.3. The author of the project can submit it for any number of nominations at his discretion, paying a registration fee for each submission.
1.4. A project submitted for a prize in one of the nominations can be transferred by the authors to another nomination on the recommendation of the Expert Council or the Executive Directorate.
2.1. The text of the project should not exceed the volume of standard 10 (ten) A4 pages (illustrations are welcome), and for presentations in Power Point or Prezi format, no more than 12 (twelve) slides (including tables, diagrams, etc.). Presentations are duplicated in PDF format.
2.2. The design should be structured in paragraphs, without using a column format.
The minimum font size is 12;
The minimum line spacing is 1.15.
The minimum size of the printing field (on all sides of the sheet) is at least 1.3 cm.
The volume of applications and supporting materials for the case (in electronic form) is limited to 20 MB and should be reasonably sufficient with the best quality (illustrations, copies of video and photo materials, print and design developments, branding, computer programs, scripts, a brief summary of research, photo reports and other most representative materials and data).
The Regulation defines a system for evaluating competitive projects both at the stage of preparation and technical selection of projects, and at the stages of remote electronic voting and voting based on the results of public presentations of projects. The Regulation is a mandatory guide for the work of the Expert Council and the Jury of the Prize.
1.1. To participate in the competition for the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “Digital Russia Awards” can authors or teams of authors, agencies, non-profit foundations and organizations, as well as specialized services and departments of state, public organizations and commercial enterprises that carry out activities the creation and development of digital technological solutions in various fields.
1.2. The project for the First National Prize in the Field of Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS” should be a professional formalized case according to the approved model and contain the necessary material in the chapters: Project name, Author, Client / Customer, Dates, Issues, Target audience, Goals and objectives, Communication strategy, Tactics, Creative solutions, Practical actions, Budget, Result.
1.3. The author of the project can submit it for any number of nominations at his discretion, paying a registration fee for each submission.
1.4. A project submitted for a prize in one of the nominations can be transferred by the authors to another nomination on the recommendation of the Expert Council or the Executive Directorate.
2.1. The text of the project should not exceed the volume of standard 10 (ten) A4 pages (illustrations are welcome), and for presentations in Power Point or Prezi format, no more than 12 (twelve) slides (including tables, diagrams, etc.). Presentations are duplicated in PDF format.
2.2. The design should be structured in paragraphs, without using a column format.
The minimum font size is 12;
The minimum line spacing is 1.15.
The minimum size of the printing field (on all sides of the sheet) is at least 1.3 cm.
The volume of applications and supporting materials for the case (in electronic form) is limited to 20 MB and should be reasonably sufficient with the best quality (illustrations, copies of video and photo materials, print and design developments, branding, computer programs, scripts, a brief summary of research, photo reports and other most representative materials and data).
2.3. The following division of the case into chapters and sections is recommended:
The name of the project (should most fully and clearly reflect the design, progress and effectiveness of the project);
The nomination to which the project is submitted;
The author and / or group of authors of the project (indicating the project manager and / or general director of the company / director of the department);
Client / Customer of the project (name of organization; for free professional outsourcers and agencies, when submitting the project, a written permission of the Client / Customer to participate in the competition must be attached);
Duration of the project (the project or the presented phase of the project must be completed in the current calendar year);
Project issues (main challenges and conditions in the implementation of the project);
Target audiences of the project (if necessary, additional and auxiliary audiences; their needs, mentality, preferences, demographic and other key characteristics);
Goals and objectives of the project (goals must meet the needs of the Client / Customer and be promising and broad; tasks must be realistic and measurable in terms of time, quality, quantity and other criteria);
Communication strategy of the project;
Tactics and creative decisions of the project;
Practical actions for the implementation of the project (the description of the cases should include key messages of the project, the basis of its logic and decisions, demonstrate the systematic approach, tactics and communication tools used in the implementation of the project, show the analyticity of the project, confirm the ability of the project authors to work with contractors, as well as the audience’s reaction to project);
Budget characteristics of the project (volumes and rationality of use);
The result / effectiveness of the project (evaluation of results, methods and tools for measuring effectiveness, compliance of the results with the set goals and objectives, the impact of the results of the project on the image and reputation of the Client / Customer, increase in the value of businesses and brands of the Client / Customer, formal and informal professional discoveries and discoveries, analytical results, convincing evidence of the legitimacy of the results).
2.4. Pre-registration is carried out independently through the website The author publishes an announcement with a brief description of the project and through a unique link places all the project materials in a separate directory created for him.
2.5. The case of the project is submitted to the executive directorate of the award in electronic version on any digital medium (the volume of the case is no more than 20 Mb). The electronic version is provided with a brief annotation of the project (no more than 1200 characters, including spaces) and must be packed, while its front part must provide the cover of the case (to indicate the name of the project on it).
2.6. Projects submitted to the competition are not returned or reviewed.
2.7. Organizers of the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS” have the right to use project annotations at their discretion (including with attribution and information about customers / customers).
2.8. The deadline for submitting competitive projects annually: from September 20 to December 20, it can be extended by a special decision of the Executive Directorate. Entries submitted after the deadline for applications are not accepted. Summing up the results of the First National Prize in the Field of Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS” - January 20-25 of the next year.
3.1. The Expert Council evaluates the competitive design cases presented for the First National Prize in the field of digital arts and digital technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS”, as well as organizational and methodological assistance during the competition.
3.2. The main functionality of the Expert Council is professional analysis and impartial evaluation of the works submitted for the First National Prize in the field of digital arts and digital technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS”.
3.3. The expert council is formed on the proposal of the Executive Directorate (10 people), from each of the members of the Board of Trustees (1 person each), from each of the regional directorates (1 person), from partner associations of the award (5 people) from among the leaders or specialized deputy heads of companies of full members of the National Association of Digital Technology Managers, as well as from partners of the award (in the amount established by partnership agreements).
Experts are divided into groups for each of the project nominations. Each expert should take part in the work of 1 to 3 expert groups of his choice. Each group should have at least 8 experts. Each group is chaired by two co-chairs: a representative of the Jury / Board of Trustees and a representative of the expert group, determined by the general decision of the group itself.
The name of the project (should most fully and clearly reflect the design, progress and effectiveness of the project);
The nomination to which the project is submitted;
The author and / or group of authors of the project (indicating the project manager and / or general director of the company / director of the department);
Client / Customer of the project (name of organization; for free professional outsourcers and agencies, when submitting the project, a written permission of the Client / Customer to participate in the competition must be attached);
Duration of the project (the project or the presented phase of the project must be completed in the current calendar year);
Project issues (main challenges and conditions in the implementation of the project);
Target audiences of the project (if necessary, additional and auxiliary audiences; their needs, mentality, preferences, demographic and other key characteristics);
Goals and objectives of the project (goals must meet the needs of the Client / Customer and be promising and broad; tasks must be realistic and measurable in terms of time, quality, quantity and other criteria);
Communication strategy of the project;
Tactics and creative decisions of the project;
Practical actions for the implementation of the project (the description of the cases should include key messages of the project, the basis of its logic and decisions, demonstrate the systematic approach, tactics and communication tools used in the implementation of the project, show the analyticity of the project, confirm the ability of the project authors to work with contractors, as well as the audience’s reaction to project);
Budget characteristics of the project (volumes and rationality of use);
The result / effectiveness of the project (evaluation of results, methods and tools for measuring effectiveness, compliance of the results with the set goals and objectives, the impact of the results of the project on the image and reputation of the Client / Customer, increase in the value of businesses and brands of the Client / Customer, formal and informal professional discoveries and discoveries, analytical results, convincing evidence of the legitimacy of the results).
2.4. Pre-registration is carried out independently through the website The author publishes an announcement with a brief description of the project and through a unique link places all the project materials in a separate directory created for him.
2.5. The case of the project is submitted to the executive directorate of the award in electronic version on any digital medium (the volume of the case is no more than 20 Mb). The electronic version is provided with a brief annotation of the project (no more than 1200 characters, including spaces) and must be packed, while its front part must provide the cover of the case (to indicate the name of the project on it).
2.6. Projects submitted to the competition are not returned or reviewed.
2.7. Organizers of the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS” have the right to use project annotations at their discretion (including with attribution and information about customers / customers).
2.8. The deadline for submitting competitive projects annually: from September 20 to December 20, it can be extended by a special decision of the Executive Directorate. Entries submitted after the deadline for applications are not accepted. Summing up the results of the First National Prize in the Field of Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS” - January 20-25 of the next year.
3.1. The Expert Council evaluates the competitive design cases presented for the First National Prize in the field of digital arts and digital technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS”, as well as organizational and methodological assistance during the competition.
3.2. The main functionality of the Expert Council is professional analysis and impartial evaluation of the works submitted for the First National Prize in the field of digital arts and digital technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS”.
3.3. The expert council is formed on the proposal of the Executive Directorate (10 people), from each of the members of the Board of Trustees (1 person each), from each of the regional directorates (1 person), from partner associations of the award (5 people) from among the leaders or specialized deputy heads of companies of full members of the National Association of Digital Technology Managers, as well as from partners of the award (in the amount established by partnership agreements).
Experts are divided into groups for each of the project nominations. Each expert should take part in the work of 1 to 3 expert groups of his choice. Each group should have at least 8 experts. Each group is chaired by two co-chairs: a representative of the Jury / Board of Trustees and a representative of the expert group, determined by the general decision of the group itself.
3.4. By agreeing to work in the Expert Council of the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS”, experts automatically accept the requirements and norms of these Regulations. Before the work of the Expert Council, its members are briefed on the requirements and standards enshrined in the Regulations.
3.5. Experts carry out their activities independently, guided solely by personal professional experience, the requirements of the Regulation on the prize, these Regulations, the Professional standard in the field of public relations and the Code of Ethics in the field of communications. Each expert makes decisions on the evaluation of projects individually and is not accountable in his decisions to any third parties, including the leaders of expert working groups. Intervention of third parties in the substantive activities of the Expert Council is not allowed.
3.6. The members of the Expert Council at the stage of remote electronic voting must evaluate all design cases without exception in the nomination in which they are declared as experts. If a member of the Expert Council has not rated at least one of the project cases in his nomination, all his other evaluations will be canceled, and the expert himself will not be allowed to work on project evaluation at the stage of open presentations.
3.7. A member of the Expert Council cannot evaluate projects in a nomination if it contains a project to which he (or the company he represents) has a direct relationship. Before the first stage of voting begins, the co-chairs of the expert groups receive from the Executive Directorate a full list of projects in this nomination and are obliged to send a written request to all members of the expert group about a possible conflict of interest and receive written confirmation of the absence of such a conflict.
If the characteristics of the presented projects for any reason cannot be professionally evaluated by any member of the Expert Council, then he is obliged to voluntarily refrain from evaluating all the cases in this nomination (having informed the Executive Directorate and the co-chairs of the corresponding expert group about this).
4.1. Remote electronic voting is the first stage of the debriefing of the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS” and ensures equal participation in all participating projects for the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS. "
4.2. Based on the results of remote electronic voting, the shortlist is formed from the projects with the highest number of points (up to 10 projects in each nomination, including projects winning regional competitions of the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS”), which are recommended by the Executive Directorate and the Expert Council for the second stage (public defense) of the results of the award.
4.3. Voting is carried out by members of the Expert Council by evaluating cases according to the following criteria:
The complexity of the goals and significance of the project (maximum 100 points);
Analytical study of the project (maximum 100 points);
Creativity, originality of the design and implementation of the project (maximum 100 points);
The strategic nature of the project, the relationship with previous and subsequent projects of the company (maximum 100 points);
Complexity, diversity and adequacy of tactics and tools for the goals of the project and the quality of their implementation (maximum 100 points);
Achievement of stated goals, fulfillment of tasks, economic and media effectiveness of the project (maximum 100 points).
4.4. Recommended expert grading when setting grades:
0-30 points - the complete lack of practical and methodological value of the case;
31-50 points - a low degree of practical and methodological value of the case;
51-70 points - the average degree of practical and methodological value of the case;
71-90 points - a high degree of practical and methodological value of the case;
91-100 points - the highest degree of practical and methodological value of the case.
4.5. In addition to the specified criteria, the members of the Expert Council assign to each project the coefficient of compliance of the project case with the competition in general and the nomination in particular (from 0 - “completely does not match” to 1 - “completely matches”, in increments of 0.1).
4.6. The maximum number of points that a case of a competitive project can receive based on the results of a personal remote voting of each member of the Expert Council can be 600.
4.7. The list of projects that passed in the second stage (short list) is determined by the rating of the median of normalized assessments of experts included in the expert group of the nomination, and published on the award website.
3.5. Experts carry out their activities independently, guided solely by personal professional experience, the requirements of the Regulation on the prize, these Regulations, the Professional standard in the field of public relations and the Code of Ethics in the field of communications. Each expert makes decisions on the evaluation of projects individually and is not accountable in his decisions to any third parties, including the leaders of expert working groups. Intervention of third parties in the substantive activities of the Expert Council is not allowed.
3.6. The members of the Expert Council at the stage of remote electronic voting must evaluate all design cases without exception in the nomination in which they are declared as experts. If a member of the Expert Council has not rated at least one of the project cases in his nomination, all his other evaluations will be canceled, and the expert himself will not be allowed to work on project evaluation at the stage of open presentations.
3.7. A member of the Expert Council cannot evaluate projects in a nomination if it contains a project to which he (or the company he represents) has a direct relationship. Before the first stage of voting begins, the co-chairs of the expert groups receive from the Executive Directorate a full list of projects in this nomination and are obliged to send a written request to all members of the expert group about a possible conflict of interest and receive written confirmation of the absence of such a conflict.
If the characteristics of the presented projects for any reason cannot be professionally evaluated by any member of the Expert Council, then he is obliged to voluntarily refrain from evaluating all the cases in this nomination (having informed the Executive Directorate and the co-chairs of the corresponding expert group about this).
4.1. Remote electronic voting is the first stage of the debriefing of the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS” and ensures equal participation in all participating projects for the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS. "
4.2. Based on the results of remote electronic voting, the shortlist is formed from the projects with the highest number of points (up to 10 projects in each nomination, including projects winning regional competitions of the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS”), which are recommended by the Executive Directorate and the Expert Council for the second stage (public defense) of the results of the award.
4.3. Voting is carried out by members of the Expert Council by evaluating cases according to the following criteria:
The complexity of the goals and significance of the project (maximum 100 points);
Analytical study of the project (maximum 100 points);
Creativity, originality of the design and implementation of the project (maximum 100 points);
The strategic nature of the project, the relationship with previous and subsequent projects of the company (maximum 100 points);
Complexity, diversity and adequacy of tactics and tools for the goals of the project and the quality of their implementation (maximum 100 points);
Achievement of stated goals, fulfillment of tasks, economic and media effectiveness of the project (maximum 100 points).
4.4. Recommended expert grading when setting grades:
0-30 points - the complete lack of practical and methodological value of the case;
31-50 points - a low degree of practical and methodological value of the case;
51-70 points - the average degree of practical and methodological value of the case;
71-90 points - a high degree of practical and methodological value of the case;
91-100 points - the highest degree of practical and methodological value of the case.
4.5. In addition to the specified criteria, the members of the Expert Council assign to each project the coefficient of compliance of the project case with the competition in general and the nomination in particular (from 0 - “completely does not match” to 1 - “completely matches”, in increments of 0.1).
4.6. The maximum number of points that a case of a competitive project can receive based on the results of a personal remote voting of each member of the Expert Council can be 600.
4.7. The list of projects that passed in the second stage (short list) is determined by the rating of the median of normalized assessments of experts included in the expert group of the nomination, and published on the award website.
5.1. A presentation in Power Point or Prezi format - no more than 12 (twelve) slides (including tables, diagrams, etc.) can be presented by one or a group of authors within the allotted time - 10 minutes, including answers to questions.
5.2. Films, videos, slide shows, theater miniatures, pop or folk art numbers can be part of the presentation as agreed with the organizers without providing additional time.
5.3. The order of performance is determined by the names of the projects in alphabetical order. The absence of a project representative or the refusal of a presentation means exclusion from the competition.
5.4. The authors of the projects that passed in the second stage provide the Executive Directorate at least 3 days before the public presentation with a presentation and other materials for public speaking, made in strict accordance with the requirements published on the official website of the award, as well as a video clip with a timing of 30 seconds, giving the most complete picture of the project.
6.1. Voting during open presentations is the second stage of summing up the National Digital Arts Awards “Digital Russia Awards” and provides all participants, as well as professional representatives of the industry and the media, with the opportunity to receive detailed information about the level of development of public relations in various areas of social or entrepreneurial life.
6.2. Voting during open presentations takes place on projects that are shortlisted in each nomination by decision of the Expert Council, as well as on projects that have won regional competitions of the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS” in the short list of the second stage according to the recommendations of the relevant regional directorates.
6.3. Voting is carried out by members of the Expert Council by evaluating the speeches of the authors of the projects according to the following criteria:
Skill in presenting the material and communicating with the audience, including the speech literacy of the participants in the presentation (maximum 100 points);
Presentation creativity that enhances the audience’s perception of the project content (maximum 100 points);
Accuracy and substantiveness of answers to questions (maximum 100 points);
6.4. Recommended expert grading when setting grades:
0-30 points - a complete lack of quality of presentation of the case;
31-50 points - a low degree of quality of presentation of the case;
51-70 points - the average degree of quality of the presentation of the case;
71-90 points - a high degree of quality of presentation of the case;
91-100 points - the highest degree of quality of presentation of the case.
6.5. If the author exceeds the time allotted for the presentation of the presentation, the mark for the presentation is multiplied by a factor equal to (1 - 0.1 x N), where N is the number of minutes by which the time allotted for the presentation is exceeded.
6.6. The maximum number of points that a case of a competitive project can receive based on the results of a personal vote of each member of the Expert Council during open presentations can be 300 points.
6.7. Based on the results of the project presentation, experts can make changes to the points they set for the project at the first stage of the project evaluation.
6.8. The process of open presentations is moderated by 2 co-chairs of expert groups. Co-chairs of expert groups (moderators) should monitor compliance with the rules of presentations and compliance with the norms of professional discussions during the competitive discussion of cases.
6.9. Presentations are evaluated only by those members of the Expert Council who are members of the relevant expert group and participated in the evaluation of projects at the first stage.
6.10. Based on the results of the second stage, based on the median of normalized assessments of experts included in the expert group of the nomination, the assessments of performances are determined. They are summarized with the shortlisted evaluations of the projects put forward by the Expert Council at the first stage, as a result of which a consolidated rating of projects in each nomination is formed. TOR-3 in each nomination is submitted to the Jury and the Board of Trustees to make the final decision on awarding the Digital Russia Awards National Prize for Digital Arts.
6.11. According to the results of the second stage, the co-chairs of the expert groups provide all authors of the projects that made their presentations with feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of their cases and speeches.
5.1. A presentation in Power Point or Prezi format - no more than 12 (twelve) slides (including tables, diagrams, etc.) can be presented by one or a group of authors within the allotted time - 10 minutes, including answers to questions.
5.2. Films, videos, slide shows, theater miniatures, pop or folk art numbers can be part of the presentation as agreed with the organizers without providing additional time.
5.3. The order of performance is determined by the names of the projects in alphabetical order. The absence of a project representative or the refusal of a presentation means exclusion from the competition.
5.4. The authors of the projects that passed in the second stage provide the Executive Directorate at least 3 days before the public presentation with a presentation and other materials for public speaking, made in strict accordance with the requirements published on the official website of the award, as well as a video clip with a timing of 30 seconds, giving the most complete picture of the project.
6.1. Voting during open presentations is the second stage of summing up the National Digital Arts Awards “Digital Russia Awards” and provides all participants, as well as professional representatives of the industry and the media, with the opportunity to receive detailed information about the level of development of public relations in various areas of social or entrepreneurial life.
6.2. Voting during open presentations takes place on projects that are shortlisted in each nomination by decision of the Expert Council, as well as on projects that have won regional competitions of the First National Prize in Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS” in the short list of the second stage according to the recommendations of the relevant regional directorates.
6.3. Voting is carried out by members of the Expert Council by evaluating the speeches of the authors of the projects according to the following criteria:
Skill in presenting the material and communicating with the audience, including the speech literacy of the participants in the presentation (maximum 100 points);
Presentation creativity that enhances the audience’s perception of the project content (maximum 100 points);
Accuracy and substantiveness of answers to questions (maximum 100 points);
6.4. Recommended expert grading when setting grades:
0-30 points - a complete lack of quality of presentation of the case;
31-50 points - a low degree of quality of presentation of the case;
51-70 points - the average degree of quality of the presentation of the case;
71-90 points - a high degree of quality of presentation of the case;
91-100 points - the highest degree of quality of presentation of the case.
6.5. If the author exceeds the time allotted for the presentation of the presentation, the mark for the presentation is multiplied by a factor equal to (1 - 0.1 x N), where N is the number of minutes by which the time allotted for the presentation is exceeded.
6.6. The maximum number of points that a case of a competitive project can receive based on the results of a personal vote of each member of the Expert Council during open presentations can be 300 points.
6.7. Based on the results of the project presentation, experts can make changes to the points they set for the project at the first stage of the project evaluation.
6.8. The process of open presentations is moderated by 2 co-chairs of expert groups. Co-chairs of expert groups (moderators) should monitor compliance with the rules of presentations and compliance with the norms of professional discussions during the competitive discussion of cases.
6.9. Presentations are evaluated only by those members of the Expert Council who are members of the relevant expert group and participated in the evaluation of projects at the first stage.
6.10. Based on the results of the second stage, based on the median of normalized assessments of experts included in the expert group of the nomination, the assessments of performances are determined. They are summarized with the shortlisted evaluations of the projects put forward by the Expert Council at the first stage, as a result of which a consolidated rating of projects in each nomination is formed. TOR-3 in each nomination is submitted to the Jury and the Board of Trustees to make the final decision on awarding the Digital Russia Awards National Prize for Digital Arts.
6.11. According to the results of the second stage, the co-chairs of the expert groups provide all authors of the projects that made their presentations with feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of their cases and speeches.
7.1. The Jury of the First National Award for Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS” includes members of the Board of Trustees, representatives of the partners of the award (commercial organizations and public professional associations) and other authoritative representatives of the professional community, the candidates selected by the Executive Directorate, proposed by members of the Board of Trustees or the Board of Directors of the National Association of Digital Technology Managers.
7.2. The jury begins its work after the work of the Expert Council on the formation of the short list of the award ends. Each member of the Jury must be familiar with the design cases of the projects included in the short list in order to be able to make a qualified decision on the award of the prize. A jury member who is not familiar with any of the cases does not take part in voting in the corresponding nomination.
7.3. A jury member cannot evaluate projects in a nomination if TOP-3 includes a project to which he (or the company he represents) has a direct relationship. Before starting a discussion of this nomination, he must declare a conflict of interest and abstain from voting on it.
7.4. The jury members of the First National Prize in the Field of Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS” receive TOP-3 leading projects for each project nomination based on the results of the second stage of the competition indicating the number of points scored by the projects.
7.5. The co-chairs of the expert groups in individual nominations make a report for the Jury members, in which there should be comments on the three final projects with an indication (in comparison) of the best sides and shortcomings of each of the projects (according to the evaluation criteria specified in the Rules).
7.6. Based on the results of the discussion and taking into account the recommendations of the Expert Council, the Jury members determine the winner in each nomination by rating vote. The decision is made by a simple majority of the members of the Jury personally present at the meeting. In the event of an equal number of votes, the Chairman of the Jury has two votes. The jury may decide not to award a prize in any of the nominations. The Grand Prix winner is determined from among the winners of the project nominations by the Jury members according to the similar rating voting procedure.
8.1. The prize is awarded to heads of agencies and departments of various companies, state and public organizations, successfully managing the process of digital transformation development.
8.2. The TOP-3 nominees are determined by the National Association of Digital Technology Managers on the basis of assessing the professional activities of candidates, successful implementation of socially significant projects, contribution to the development of the industry, professional and personal reputation.
8.3. Nominees included in the TOP-3 take part in a talk show held immediately before the award ceremony.
8.4. The winner of the nomination Master of Digital Arts is determined by the majority of the votes present during the ceremony by voting, the procedure of which is announced by the leaders of the ceremony.
7.2. The jury begins its work after the work of the Expert Council on the formation of the short list of the award ends. Each member of the Jury must be familiar with the design cases of the projects included in the short list in order to be able to make a qualified decision on the award of the prize. A jury member who is not familiar with any of the cases does not take part in voting in the corresponding nomination.
7.3. A jury member cannot evaluate projects in a nomination if TOP-3 includes a project to which he (or the company he represents) has a direct relationship. Before starting a discussion of this nomination, he must declare a conflict of interest and abstain from voting on it.
7.4. The jury members of the First National Prize in the Field of Digital Arts and Digital Technologies “DIGITAL ART & TECH AWARDS” receive TOP-3 leading projects for each project nomination based on the results of the second stage of the competition indicating the number of points scored by the projects.
7.5. The co-chairs of the expert groups in individual nominations make a report for the Jury members, in which there should be comments on the three final projects with an indication (in comparison) of the best sides and shortcomings of each of the projects (according to the evaluation criteria specified in the Rules).
7.6. Based on the results of the discussion and taking into account the recommendations of the Expert Council, the Jury members determine the winner in each nomination by rating vote. The decision is made by a simple majority of the members of the Jury personally present at the meeting. In the event of an equal number of votes, the Chairman of the Jury has two votes. The jury may decide not to award a prize in any of the nominations. The Grand Prix winner is determined from among the winners of the project nominations by the Jury members according to the similar rating voting procedure.
8.1. The prize is awarded to heads of agencies and departments of various companies, state and public organizations, successfully managing the process of digital transformation development.
8.2. The TOP-3 nominees are determined by the National Association of Digital Technology Managers on the basis of assessing the professional activities of candidates, successful implementation of socially significant projects, contribution to the development of the industry, professional and personal reputation.
8.3. Nominees included in the TOP-3 take part in a talk show held immediately before the award ceremony.
8.4. The winner of the nomination Master of Digital Arts is determined by the majority of the votes present during the ceremony by voting, the procedure of which is announced by the leaders of the ceremony.
9.1. The competition considers works on the theory of digital technologies or their practical application in various formats and industries, with the sole purpose of improving the quality of life: theoretical works, study guides, historical studies, examples of best practices, journalistic and artistic works that popularize the professional field of Information Digital Technologies and Artificial Intelligence. Published scientific works, educational and popular literature, published series of articles, educational programs, lecture courses, etc. can be presented for the award.
9.2. The Russian State Library compiles a list of all works published in accordance with paragraph 9.1. topics during the current year. The list may be supplemented by applications submitted directly to the Executive Directorate of the award.
9.3. The head of the expert group in this nomination passes the recommendations of the Expert Council and the short list of applicants to the National Association of Digital Technology Managers for a final decision.
9.4. The decision of NAUCT in this nomination is announced at the Award Ceremony.
9.1. The competition considers works on the theory of digital technologies or their practical application in various formats and industries, with the sole purpose of improving the quality of life: theoretical works, study guides, historical studies, examples of best practices, journalistic and artistic works that popularize the professional field of Information Digital Technologies and Artificial Intelligence. Published scientific works, educational and popular literature, published series of articles, educational programs, lecture courses, etc. can be presented for the award.
9.2. The Russian State Library compiles a list of all works published in accordance with paragraph 9.1. topics during the current year. The list may be supplemented by applications submitted directly to the Executive Directorate of the award.
9.3. The head of the expert group in this nomination passes the recommendations of the Expert Council and the short list of applicants to the National Association of Digital Technology Managers for a final decision.
9.4. The decision of NAUCT in this nomination is announced at the Award Ceremony.
10.1. In the nominations "Person" and "Cultural Contribution" the winner is determined by the decision of the Board of Trustees and is announced during the Award Ceremony.
11.1. In the nominations of the International Digital Project of the Year, the winner is determined by the decision of the Expert Council and is announced during the Award Ceremony.